Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yup - I am a slacker...

I was tagged - twice. And I never did anything about it. Well - here I am trying to make up for that! Sorry Amy and Jessica! I was 'blog tagged' by these fellow photographers. Seems I now need to offer up 8 tidbits about myself that not everyone knows - so here goes!

1 - My favorite animal is the dolphin. Just love 'em - I cried the first time I got to 'pet' them when I was on spring break...

2 - Speaking of crying... I have a very tough exterior. Some may even say harsh at times. Well, I am not going to lie. I do tend to tell it like it is which makes me seem harsh. I see it as truth. I am just a very BAD liar. Can't pretend to be something I am not, and can't pretend to like you if I don't. BUT - I am such an emotional softie too. Most people don't see the emotional side of me....

3 - I think I just may be addicted to Diet Pepsi.

4 - I am a bar food kind of gal. No need for a fancy french restaurant for me! Give me some wings (and a martini - lol) and I am good to go!

5 - Sad but true: The woman at the Shop Rite Dunkin Donuts doesn't even ask me what I want anymore. She knows without asking (french vanilla iced coffee light and sweet - but with skim milk).

6 - I have a TERRIBLE memory. I need my friend Jackie with me at all parties to remind me of everyones names (she is GOOD like that!). If I don't write it down, I forget. Sometimes even if I write it down I forget! Good thing my friends love me, cause sometimes b-days go by without a phone call. Yikes!!!!

7 - I was in a sorority in college. Most people who know me now are shocked to learn this little tidbit. I still have one set of letters in my closet right now. If anyone is an AXO, e-mail me and I will give them to you!

8 - My hubby and I met on spring break in North Carolina. LOL... He was wearing a Rutgers jacket so I said HI. We chatted and I didnt see him again. A year after the fact we happen to meet again at a mixer. The rest is history!

And now - I am tagging some fellow Jersey photogs blogs and a few other photog friends I have made along the way - sorry gals if you have already been tagged!!!

Saving Grace Photography
Heather Mosher Photography
EMA Photography
Photos By Elizabeth
Kim Flores Photography
Studio Williams

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