Saturday, September 15, 2007

Open your mind to new things....

With winter coming, I want to remind my clients to be open-minded about your custom portraits. Not all sessions need to be done in a park. I LOVE to shoot outdoors - it is definitely where I feel most comfortable and free. I think it is also where children are the most happy. Why not put your children in some coats and hats and take some pictures outside? I would love to get snowball fight pictures, a picture of you building a snowman with your children and the pictures right after of your family drinking some hot chocolate by the fire or around the kitchen table.

Maybe your child is happiest in the bath - why not give them a bath when I get there? We can capture him blowing bubbles off his hand, with a pile of bubbles on his head or just splashing around.

Put on your baby girls raincoat and galoshes and we will take pictures of her splashing in the puddles after a it rains.

Let your daughter dress up in Mommy's jewelry in front of a mirror putting on your lipstick. Let her play tea party in her room with her stuffed animals. Make sure she is able to dress up in her favorite princess costume!

The possiblitlies are endless - that is the wonderful thing about custom portraiture. It allows you to capture the essence of who your child is. Sit and think of the things they do often - the things you always want to remember. Those are the things you want to most remember in the end...

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