Friday, May 23, 2008


Ok - too cool. For those of you who watch Grey's Anatomy, did you hear my website song???? A couple of months ago I posted on my blog that I had gotten permission from this amazing artist on My Space to use her song on my website. Well, I am watching TV last night and I hear it! I couldnt believe it. I have a famous song on my website :) Here she is (if you didnt see my post last time):

Oh - I have two songs on my website. It is the second of the two...

Also - I would like to apologize for being a very bad blogger! I have had 23 sessions this month and I am swamped with work! (I normally only take a maximum of 8 sessions!) I actually had to take the day off and away from the computer yesterday because my editing hand is killing me. I will be working all weekend to get everything done. I may even get around to posting some pics from my sessions! They wont be sneak peeks at this point, but you will at least be able to see what I have been up to... Wishing you all a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend! If you need me, I will be at my computer, editing all of your sessions. Feel free to e-mail me to say Hello! I will be lonely :(

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